Resilient Civilians in Hybrid and Population-Centric Warfare
Overview of the most recent articles and publications in the Resilient Civilians research project.
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Resilient Civilians
|How Service Can Help Save America
Resilient Civilians
|Koronaviruspandemien er sikkerhetsscenariet vi var minst forberedt på. Dette kan vi lære av. Av: Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv, professor ved UiT Med mindre vi…
MoreThe Army should manage its capabilities for competition in the moral dimension with the same rigor that it does for capabilities in the…
MoreNorsk sikkerhet krever en politikk i nord som adresserer bredt og inkluderer både dialog og infrastruktur for å redusere avstander fysisk og mentalt.…
MoreWhile many policymakers like to refer to ‘connecting the dots’ to derive accurate pictures of forthcoming events, this picture is highly inaccurate and…
MoreWhether freedom’s just another word depends on those who use or abuse it. It cannot be doled out to us; we must take…
MoreThe coronavirus pandemic is the security scenario we were least prepared for. While nation states are responsible for security, they depend highly upon…
Resilient Civilians is a research project led by UiT The Arctic University of Norway, and is partly funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, as well as by the partner institutions. Please feel free to contact us for any questions and comments.
Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv – Project Manager
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Telephone: (+47) 94842610